Sunday, 19 May 2013

For this and that

I am writing a Tribute to Mom in association with

For all the pain I gave you, struggling my way into this world
For all those dirty nappies and sleepless nights
For all those times you kissed my wounds better
For all those good night kisses
For all those times you filled this grumbling tummy
For all those times you let me experiment with your make-up
For all those special Mommy-Daughter days-out
For the wonderful reading habit you gave me
For the times you trusted me
And for the times you forgave me when I broke it
For all those times you wiped my tears
And restored my faith in brighter tomorrows
For teaching me the importance of love and compassion
Of tolerance and forgiveness
For helping me pick the right from wrong
For always wishing the best for me
And for the blanket of your love that kept me warm
I am eternally grateful
And even though I’m in no capacity to ever repay you
This is a little something for you to know you’re special
And how much I love you
My Mommy, my world


  1. thankyou for the lovely thought........its beautiful...........i am you my baby.

  2. <3 Exactly what I feel about my mother too :)

    1. Don't we all? Thank you so much for taking time to visit my blog!


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